DropBox App folder names in different languages

While developing my open-source project Journaley, I ran into a situation where I wanted to detect a specific folder inside the App Folder of Dropbox root directory. This was not a trivial task, because the App Folder name differs depending on the Dropbox user's language setting. So, I manually switched between different language settings and checked the name of the App Folder created by Dropbox in each language. The table below is the summary of what I found, which I keep here for future reference.

Language App Folder Name
Bahasa Indonesia Aplikasi
Bahasa Malaysia Apl
Dansk Apps
Deutsch Apps
English Apps
Español (España) Aplicaciones
Español (Latinoamérica) Aplicaciones
Français Applications
Italiano Applicazioni
Nederlands Apps
Norsk (bokmål) Apper
Polski Aplikacje
Português (Brasil) Aplicativos
Pусский Приложения
Svenska Applikationer
Українська [Beta] Програми
ไทย แอพ
中文(简体) 应用
中文(繁體) 應用程式
日本語 アプリ